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Hello. My name is Massimo Di Tomasso and I've designed this page in order to provide useful information about myself.

I've always searched, in my studies first and in my professional life afterwards, the interaction between creativity and methodology. Every decision that I took in my life has always been influenced by this concept.

This can explain that despite the fact I followed a Network System Engineer carreer path and successfully acheived the MCSE certification , I've done my best to develop other computer skills and created this web site.

I'm very fascinated by the responsibility implied in the development of professional projects, and I believe that this kind of activity is particularly able to fournish the most complete personal satisfaction.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site, please do not hesitate to contact me for any kind of additional information you might need.

Massimo di Tomasso

© 2002 Massimo Di Tomasso, all rights reserved.